I haven't done much with my hair for the past couple of months. I've just kept it up in a high pony due to my busy schedule.
Pink Feelin' It Racerback on sale for $19.99. To order visit http://www.zumbawithheather.net/Shop-Zumba-.html or just come to Dancin Motions School of the Art Monday - Thursday between the hours of 6:30pm - 7:30pm or on Saturday mornings between the hours of 9am - 10am
Orange Logo Cargo Pants on sale for $49.99. To order visit http://www.zumbawithheather.net/Shop-Zumba-.html or just come to Dancin Motions School of the Arts Monday - Thursday between the hours of 6:30pm - 7:30pm or on Saturday mornings between the hours of 9am - 10am